Understanding Fee Waivers
Fee waivers can be obtained to help cover the expenses associated with SAT testing, ACT testing, and
college application fees.
Fee Waiver Facts
Your fee waiver covers 100% of the basic registration fees for a single test date. Fee waivers do not cover late registration fees; test date, test option, or test center changes; additional college choices; standby fee; or other services.
Most four-year colleges charge an application fee. As a fee-waiver recipient, you can obtain up to four requests to waive college application fees from your counselor.
Eligibility Requirements
High school students who can't afford to pay test fees may be eligible for SAT/ACT fee waivers. Typically, eligible students meet one of the following criteria:
Enrollment in or eligible to participate in the Federal Free and Reduced Price Lunch program (FRPL).
Annual family income falls within the Income Eligibility Guidelines set by the USDA Food and Nutrition Service.
Enrollment in a federal, state, or local program that aids students from low-income families (e.g. Federal TRIO programs such as Upward Bound).
Family receives public assistance.
Lives in federally subsidized public housing, a foster home or is homeless.
A ward of the state or an orphan.
Other extenuating circumstances may also be considered. Ask your counselor today.
SAT (https://sat.collegeboard.org) ACT (http://www.actstudent.org)
To obtain a fee waiver or for more information, contact the college advisor!
How many SAT fee waivers can I use?
2 fee waivers for the SAT Reasoning Test (in 11th and 12th grade only)
2 fee waivers for the SAT Subject Tests, up to three tests per test date (10th, 11th, 12th grade)
How do I use the fee waiver?
Set up an account at sat.collegeboard.org. In the payment area, enter the 12-digit code from the fee waiver card.
Is there a fee to send SAT scores to colleges?
Scores can be sent to up to 8 colleges for free:
To get maximum free score reports, you must list 4 colleges when you register for the test.
- 4 at the time of the test (for all students)
- 4 at a later date (if you used a fee waiver)
List four colleges that you are likely to apply to. Four additional score reports can be sent at a later date. For more than 8 schools, there is a fee.
What are my score verification options?
Choose either the Question-and-Answer Service or the Student Answer Service, and get it free when you order during registration.
How many ACT fee waivers can I use?
2 fee waivers for the ACT (in 11th and 12th grade only)
How do I use the fee waiver?
Set up an account at actstudent.org. If you took the ACT that the school offers for juniors in the spring, locate your ACT account using the 8-digit ID number on your score report. When you register for the test, it will ask you for the 11-digit code at the top right of the fee waiver form.
Is there a fee to send ACT scores to colleges?
Scores can be sent to up to 4 colleges for free, but you must list them at the time you register for the test. If you do not know where you will be applying, list 4 colleges you are likely to apply to. For additional schools beyond those four, there is a fee.
Does the fee waiver cover the ACT with Writing Test?
The ACT with Writing is included under the basic registration fee covered by fee waivers. Students are encourged to register for the test with writing, regardless of the application requirements of their prospective college choices.